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3.[[3 is underline]] Now making war posters
 a[[a is underline]] posters are really weapons with which to fight the enemy[[note]] we got this from your letter [[note]]

4.[[4 is underline]] Broadcasting by short wave, to his people
   a[[a is underline]] The truth
     (1) United Nation did not[[not underline]] start this war
     (2) "           "[[United Nation]] will[[will underline]] fight to save democracy
     (3) "           "[[United Nation]] is winning
   b[[b is underline]] what democracy is like or what life is in America
      1. where everyone can be free
      2. where cultural life can be saved and enjoyed
          a art, Music, Literature
   c[[c is underline]] a warning (from your letter)
      1. never too late to arise and get rid of your cruel leaders