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[[images]] hand-drawn daisy-like flowers border the top, side and lower part of letter. [[/images]]

Grand Rapids, Mi
Nov. 4, 1942

Dear Mr. Kuniyoshi,

Thank you very much for the picture you sent us because it was very beautiful I thought. We found out it was done in oil paint. We went in to a room and saw some oil paintings. Some of the children told how they knew it was an oil painting picture. They could tell by the stroke with the brush.
We are studying, "Worthwile People." You are one of the people we are studying. You thought we did not know how old you were but we do. We are going to send you a copy of our, "Worthwile People." and the one we wrote about you.

Your Friend, Helen Overkleeft

P.S. In what way do you write your alphabet

Transcription Notes:
everything is fairly easy to read, overkleeft is indeed a real last name