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Department of the Army
Office of the Secretary of the Army
Office for Occupied Areas
Reorientation [[strikethrough]] Branch [[/strikethrough]] Division
New York Field Office
139 Centre Street              New York 13. New York
                                        11 June 1951

Mr. Yasuo Kuniyoshi 
30 East 14th Street
New York 3, New York

Dear Mr. Kuniyoshi:

The generous assistance you have given Mr. Whiting of the staff of this office in assembling photographs of work by Japanese and Nisei artists to be forwarded for exhibition in Japan under the auspices of the Department of the Army has been essential to the completion of the project. Not only by making a selection of photographs of your own paintings and drawings but by suggesting other artists of merit who might participate has your sympathetic guidance been of value. 

We wish to thank you for your courteous cooperation,

Sincerely yours,

Robert Outsen
Colonel, GS
Chief, New York Field Office