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February Item 10. (For Exhibits, NYFO) For inclusion in a possible over-all exhibit on art in the United States or for separate use, it is requested that reproductions and/or photographs be collected of the works of Nisei and Japanese artists in America who are prominent in painting, illustration, design and architecture. In addition to Kuniyoshi and Noguchi, it is suggested that consideration be given to George Nakashima, furniture designer, of New Hope, Pennsylvania; Ray Komai, New York furniture designer; Mine Okubo, whose illustrations have appeared in [[underlined]] Fortune [[underlined]] and other magazines; Tom Okamoto, Disney
cartoonist, Chris Ishii, Schleslinger cartoonist; Eddie Imazu, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer set designer; Murata, New York silk-screen artist; Isamu Doi, silversmith for Gumps, Honolulu; Tajiri, Chicago painter now in Paris; Kubota, Alfred University graduate who is a potter, and Jun Iwamatsu, New York painter. Kuniyoshi, Nakashima, and Iwamatsu probably can provide the names and addresses of many others.

Joseph [[Fretwell?]]
Allen [[Whitwig?]]
Department of the Army
Reorientation Branch
New York Field Office
139 Centre St.
New York 13, N.Y.
Worth 4-7300 ext. 284