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Yasuo Kuniyoshi
30 East 14 Street
New York, New York
Feb. 10 1943

Thank you for your very kind letter.
I enjoyed the letter from the children. I was touched by their interest and [[strikethrough]]was[[/strikethrough]] glad to write to them

Dear Miss Termeer:

Ever since I [strikethrough] received your letter [[/strikethrough]] heard from you I have been wai[[crossed-out]]n[[/crossed-out]]ting to get [[crossed-out]]detalled[[/crossed-out]] information on our broadcast from the O. W. I.

I am very sorry, I found out the O. W. I. does not want to give out information concerning these broadcasts. However they recently mailed me the script of our whole program but its seems I have to wait until I hear from them whether I will be able to send it to you. I have been after a man there constantly about this matter but he seems very reluctant.

I am very sorry about the delay in answering your letter and I wil[[crossed-out]]l[[/crossed-out]]let you know definitely as soon as I hear from them. 

Sincerely yours, 

Miss B. A. Termeer
1010 Sheldon Ave.
Grand Raoids, Mich.