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4-16-75 copy given to Virgenen Allen 
To - Miss Rosammund Frost Art news 
Statement of Type of Woman & paint

It's the idea of a woman that I like to paint; a woman to represent all women. It seems of greater value to me; to paint my conception of a woman; to express my inner feelings toward the object, is more important than the physical aspects of any individual. This is also what I believe when painting other matters too.
I use a certain type of model because she represents certain elements and characteristics, compounded of a way of thinking and a physical outline that appeal and help to formulate my ideas. Whatever experiences I have had during my life time are woven into my ideals of women.
I have never painted a portrait of any particular person, although sometimes it may look like the person. If so, it is purely accidental. My intention, is to paint a woman regardless of class, who is sophisticated and [[strikeout]]worldyy[[/strikeout]] worldly. I have been consistent in the past of working in this trend.
I maintain that in painting any object, that the importance and impact lie in grasping the content of the matter; the essence pulsating within itself. Instead of painting from the outside in, my efforts have been to concentrate on inside out.

Yasuo Kuniyoshi

30 East 14th Street
October, 16, 1944