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saturday august 26 woodstock

     I saw Pop Goltz this morning. He looked about the same he did when I saw him the first time back in 1918. He supposed to come to Woodstock to die. He has tuberculosis. He looked thin and pale but he still goes on and is always pleasant, kind, and congenial. He was assistant to instructor at Woodstock Summer School when I was a student here and he was very kind to me at that time. He hasn't changed his attitude. I suppose his painting hasn't changed either since he hasn't gone anyplace since he came from New York City to Woodstock.

     Perhaps to him painting is a job he has to do everyday and he teaches a few pupils. Somehow he makes aliving and seems [[crossed out]] life tohime [[/crossed out]] life to him is contented, all scale is very small. But he's not unhappy. I suppose every man is built to do certain job and [[crossed out]] his [[/crossed out]] he's doing his share very competently.

     I'm always glad to see him and talk to him no more than a few minutes but every time I come to Woodstock he greets me as old friend [[crossed out]] as if [[/crossed out]] and if I don't come here he asks me what I've been doing.

     As [[crossed out]] among [[/crossed out]] painter[[crossed out]]s yet[[/crossed out]], we never discussed in any way professionally. We only talk about weather or how is his health. I don't think of him a painter or any professional man but my contact I always feel he was once my teacher but today I speak to him as a man and a very nice man. I wish him good luck.