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thursday, august 24                  woodstock
   I always gather material -- dishes, vases, even pieces of paper -- thinking sometime I might use it or some part of them in my painting. When I set up still lifem I spend quite a lot of time in constructing it, placing things according to color and shape. I start, for instance, putting, let us say, piece of newspaper but as I move things around I gradually tear small pieces but even then it isn't right for it so eventually I might have a piece of newspaper one inch square.
   I believe in beginning one should try to compose as definitely and completely as possible even if it takes days to do it. When you don't and you have even slight doubt yourself in beginningm your feeling and enthusiasm are not vigorous as it should be. Especially when you begin working that enthusiasm and excitement is very important. 
   I don't think very much of meaning of object when I put object together, After painting is done, people interpret all kind of meaning