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could still feel and visualize the watermelon infront of me way after actual watermelon had disappeared. 
     Whether every time I succeeded at painting still life as I wanted to paint, I don't know but xxxxx often still life gave me ideas so that I can apply to other paintings. [[strikethrough]]0[[/strikethrough]]
     One time accidentally I put dark object within a dark. That gave me some ideas to paint that thing and I tried it. It took me a long time to accomplish it but that problem was very interesting to accomplish. And I've gone along that problem trying to accomplish little by little. 
     Still life was never fashionable or artist felt it was important. There was always still life painter, from Old Masters if flower necessary in picture. Until time of Chardan he painted great little still lifes but since then nothing much happened till Cezanne's time. Renoir and he painted great still lifes as I was very much aware of in my student days that still lifes could be just as important and I painted a great many still