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thursday agusut 24    woodstock

Years ago when I was a student here in Woodstock studying with John Carlson, I was very energetic. Used to paint a picture the morning, very good size -- 20 x 24 or 24 x 30 -- and I [[strikethrough]] used to [[/strikethrough]] finish another picture in the afternoon of about the same size. During the summer I used to paint 60 or 70 pictures.

They must all have been very bad because I never kept any of them -- but accidentally I kept a few but later when I looked them over, I threw them all away. But at the time when I was student we used to be taught to paint outdoors directly. It was in the style of the Impressionistic school we never believed any other way than painting out in the field in the broiling sun. 

We used to go sketching with a few friends. Always carrying [[strikethrough]] pa [[/strikethrough]] great big paint box, tripod, and canvas. Walking miles to find place