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to work of interest. Sometimes we walked out to Willow from Woodstock. It is easily 6 or 7 miles from the place I used to live dragging all these things with me and in those days there were [[strikethrough]] no ways of hitchhiking but actually walked.

  Used to take half a day to get there and about time we settled down and canvas up on easel, we were hungry and have lunch immediately. And work 3 hours or 4 but [[strikethrough]] then we had to be thinking of going home before it got dark. 
  I don't think we really accomplished anything going so far away but we enjoyed doing it and we often talked about it among us years afterward, why we used to go out there and we were sort of proud of our energy and enthusiasm we used to have. And even today I like to point out places to show my friend where I used to paint.