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saturday  augsut 26  woodstock  16

  A few days ago in conversation with Fred Knight (I don't remember what we were talking about -- perhaps in connection with painting) at one of those cocktail parties in Woodstock, I told him he was getting old. I think he is 10 years younger than me but I always felt his attitude in life in general and his precocious (precious?) way he go at his painting and the kind of life he leads, to me neither here nor there, there is no spark. Although I don't know him before 1933, but all time since I knew him he really doesn't exist in any way as I believe painter should exist. 
  He's nice and kind. I am friend with him but outside of painting and I always thought he is old man. Just going ahead doing what he calls painting yet I imagine he must have ambition and he must try to be good painter according to his scale. But I believe he will never go nowhre -- even get worse as he gets older and become duller and uninspiring. 
  He started teaching last winter down in Louisiana University and he seems to enjoy his job very much. I suppose he being logical man and more or less precise, perhaps he might make good teacher. It is often embarrassing to say anything about his work when he insists on your opinion of his work. I never wanted to hurt anybody but once in a while I like to tell artists fundamental wrongs that they are exercising. 
  I suppose that is reason that I told Fred that he is getting old. He seemed to resent it but we forgot about it in a few minutes but I hope he takes a little notice of what I said. It'll do him good.