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sunday augst 27 woodstock

   Among our students there was a very talented boy name Champagne. He was good in everything and he won prizes of all kinds. Finally toward the end he received best general scholarship that League could offer, with cash prize.  He was a Polish Jew, sincere, honest, and very good student. I admired him very much. We used to be very good friends and friendship lasted even today. 
   That was about time America went into First World War. Being serious boy he was one of Conscientious Objectors as so many art students were at that time.  But he was soemhow drafted into Army and stationed at Fort Dix. But he refused to wear Army uniform even while at Camp but he told me afterwards that his shoes wore out so that they gave him a pair of Army shoes and his pants wore out so they gave him Army pants so that pretty soon he was all dressed up in Army uniform. 
   While he was there he must have had terrible mental torture.  He told me that he was told that "tomorrow morning you will be shot at dawn." Nothing happened -- but he had to many similar occurrences. 
   He was in guard house all this time so he didn't go overseas but somehow, whatever happened to him, when he was honorably discharged, he was corporal but mentally he's not same boy as I knew him and artistically he