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sunday august 27           woodstock

   When I was a student at the League around 1920, I had a job scholarship taking care of cloak room at night at school. Besides getting scholarship, I had $15 a month. Somehow I managed to get through the month with having little studio paying $12 at Lincoln Arcade Building.  God knows how I managed eating [[strikethrough]] thoughk [[/strikethrough]] through the month but I remember few things in connection with food. At night in lunchroom at League, cook used to be kind in leaving end pieces of bread and soup and anything was was left over was left for me and janitor, also poor student who was attending school at that time. 

   At least we had our belly full of soup and piece of bread every night but I was wishing that I could have one solid meal a day would make me very [[strikethrough]] hapy [[/strikethrough]]happy so that I'd be healthy physically and without worry I could paint hard. 

   Right near my studio there was a Chinese restaurant. One day I made up my mind to bargain with Chinaman to see if I could have 35¢ regular dinner for 25¢ I promised to eat there every day but he didn't agree to the proposal.

   I can't remember what I did but somehow I made a go of it. I was suppose because sometimes friend who worked in family as domestic brought me a left over chop or biscuits. 

   In may way, somehow, I managed because I don't remember ever that I was starving ever.