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2.                                                24B 

   In connection with food, few years later, I had little bit more money coming in because I sold a few paintings now and then to other students. Small paintings I got $10 or $5 for each painting. 
   It helped. At that time I had small studio and room at West 57th. I used to eat at cafeteria on corner of Eighth Avenue and 57th every night. I found cheapest dish and most filling kind was hamburger steak. I ate that every night so pretty soon the waiter knew my order as soon as I walked into the place. He was very proud that he knew the customer's order so that he always ordered before I said anything. At that time I was very proud too. 
   But about that time, since it was a cheap restaurant and hamburger was spoiled, I got very sick. I fully made up my mind that next time I went in there to order some other dish. But this waiter, knowing nothing about my sickness, proudly ordered my hamburger steak. I didn't have heart to tell [[strikethrough]] blame [[/strikethrough]] him I didn't want hamburger steak so I continued to eat hamburger steak for a long time.