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2.                                                                     28B
   Some years ago Sara and I brought back a dog-wood tree from Connecticut. It was about two feet high. Now it has grown to be more than 12 feet [[strikethrough]] high [[strikethrough]] tall. I wonder when it will start blooming. 
   Last summer hedge were all cut down to about six inches but I was surprised to find they all came back thicker than ever and they are about five feet high now and looks very healthy.
   House seems to be in good condition except it needs painting on the outside. I have flat stone on top of chimney. Somehow it was broken -- perhaps frost got in and cracked it. I tried hard to get Clark Neher to fix it up. Actually it will not take more than 15 minutes for them but he never got to it. 
   In the meantime, in case of rain I was afraid that the fire-place would be ruined, so Eddie and I somehow managed to fix it. Now it will last for good, I hope.
    There is always something wrong somewhere. One day, few days ago, I found a leak on kitchen ceiling. It was overflow from drain from bath tub. Finally I got the plumber to fix it. It was nothing really. All they did was tighten up cap on drain pipe.