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and understanding. These participants, I believe, are responsible for our future direction. This is a crucial period for painting and sculpture. We can't justify our art by saying, we live in a chaotic world, therefore our art is chaotic. How can we help but reflect our times, nevertheless, we should be capable of doing so with more vital and meaningful art.

What great potentialities there are in America. The variety of races, and vitality because of it, makes it unique. We have energy, wealth, mechanical aids, all for our comfort. Perhaps the intensity spent on materials gains leaves little for the development of our arts, and while we try to catch culture on the run, we have lost sight of it. 

Because we live in a mechanized age, does not mean we have to create only environmental art. To me, that is dated and of limited life. When you look at the art of the East, for example, communication is made beyond the actual thing itself.

It is natural that we faced the West, and based our civilization on Western standards. In appraising our art, I think you will find we have understood and learned many things from Western culture. However, I feel we lack that vital breath found in everlasting creations. I should like ot see content in art an expression of inner being, based on universality and concerned with humanity.