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In oriental art there is serenity, simplicity and an inner life. All great Western art also has these elements. However, I think at this point in our development, we can learn more by facing the East. There we will find a spiritual ideology that can enable us to attain those values that make for the highest expression of art, which is the objective of every culture. This injection, combined with our native vigor, will help to rejuvenate our art.

We all try to think ahead and although our life at present is not conducive to contemplation, I believe the East can teach us a great deal. It's not possible to accomplish this within a short time, but we ought to seek it as an important direction. There will be a time when cultural development will be necessary to the public and then it will be more evident in our way of life. But in order to attain this state, it is necessary that we make the path now. As naturally as we have faced the West, we should face the other way.