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Yes - I'm sending a copy of this to Hudson. 

Taunton District,
Newtown, Conn.
June 14, 1949.

Dear Yas:-

Last Wednesday I went to the meeting of the informal committee which has been started to formulate plans to combat the increasing attacks on the more experimental forms of contemporary art. Any moves to be made are for the time being indefinite.

The one thing I did discover, which I feel I should let you know about, is the real worry on the part of all about Equity. Those present - Alfred Frankfurter, Emily Genauer, Alfred Barr, Eloise and Otto Spaeth, Bob Hale, Lloyd Goodrich, Aline Eoucheim, Antoinette Kraushaad, and a few others are all friends of Equity and want very much to see us take the very important place that we rightfully should take. At the meeting and after to me personally several of them stated that they feel Equity is in a dangerous position with so many of radical leanings in key positions. This, they consider, leaves us open to private and public attacks and also prevents a number from joining who would otherwise do so if they had more confidence that Equity was not just another "front" organization. I gave my positive assurance that there had been no action taken by Equity that could in any way be thought of as "putting us in the red". I also said that there had been several changes in which had come about quite naturally in some of the officers. But Frankfurter and Barr especially still felt that the line-up leaned heavily toward the radical - not in art of course but in politics.

I must say I too think we have a number whose greater loyalties lie elsewhere and who would not hesitate to use their influence in Equity to further other causes, even is Equity suffered thereby. What is to be done about it I do not know. I merely feel, that you should know, as you probably do already, how friends of Equity are concerned about its future. We already know how our enemies think and that they will not stop trying to put us out of business. If there is anything we can fairly do to make ourselves less vulnerable it should be done. I'm afraid, as others are, that if Equity fails there will be no chance to form another artists' organization a long, long time.

Hope your summer is going well. As always, sincerely
