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July 21, 1949

Dear Sara and Yas:

Pipe this. Isn't it a beauty? You and Bruce are responsible for our latest acquisition. It's a '48 Chevy and has everything but a chemical toilet. I think I'll install one for a long trip. Who can tell? There may be an emergency. We are very well satisfied with it.

What sort of life to you lead when you are not working? I hear the Chinese food is wonderful in S.F. Have you seen Jim? It seems I missed him by a few hours. We cut our trip to the Ozarks short on purpose so that we'd be home on the 8th. I did not expect him before the 9th. Yet I missed him. Tell him I'm sorry and it will not happen again. 

Our plans are still in a tentative stage. Lucy things she may have to go in to N.Y. for a couple of weeks. If she does, we may fly in, then fly back, pick up the car and head for San Francisco. If she doesn't, then we will go to S F as soon as school is over - which will be on the 7th of August. Can you drop me a line before then and tell me your plans? How long are you going to stay around Frisco?

[[left margin]] H. Walkers [[/left margin]]

Boswell's article in the Art Digest is a strong and sardonic protest to Dondero's vicious tripe. And Rep. Plumley's replies are a clear and dignified recital of Equity's aims. I do not think the public will swallow Dondero's tripe too easily. Tripe is tripe [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] whichever way one takes it, it's still indigestible. There has been too much of it lately for anyone to swallow it.

How does Sara enjoy herself?
Regards from Lucy,