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January 10, 1950

Dear Mitch:

Replying to your letter of January 4, I certainly would suggest that the best way of bringing harmony in your relationship with the artists would be to sit down with them, probably in a series of meetings, where each party could explain their problems to the other, and I am sure a great deal would be accomplished. 

Inasmuch as you asked my advice, I feel I must report to you that after our luncheon meeting I came away with a definite impression that you put too much pressure on me to get out a statement, whereas I think you will remember that I was strongly of the opinion that it would be better to let the matters rest. I think, therefore, that a very conciliatory attitude on your part and on the part of the artists would produce positive results. The art situation these days is so rife with controversy as far as the layman is concerned that I personally am chiefly concerned with bringing harmony into the professional art world wherever possible. In the long run this will be good for artist and museum alike.

With best wishes for a successful new year, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Hudson D. Walker
Executive Director

Mr. Mitchell A. Wilder, Director
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center
West Dale Street
Colorado Springs, Colorado