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COPY                                  COPY
             January 20, 1951

Miss Jeanne Reynal,
240 West 11th Street,
New York City.

Dear Miss Reynal:

We wish to acknowledge your letter regarding Miss Emily Genauer's review of the Gorky show and to express our appreciation of your writing to us.

The opinions which Miss Genauer expressed were, of course, her own. We recognize the fact that equally able critics may have entirely contradictory views of Gorkey's work and we are always happy to open our columns to dissenting points of view.

Your letter, however, starts with what seems to us an unfortunate reference to Miss Genauer's "honesty," and ends with criticism of her lack of "decorum." It also attacks her for failing to "ascertain the facts" without explaining what these "facts" are.

We have complete confidence in Miss Genauer's integrity. Unless one equates "decorum" with "stuffiness" we cannot see how she suffers in this respect, Certainly her lively comments on art events have been of enormous importance in winning a wider public for modern art.

Yet we do not present her opinions on Gorky or on any other artist as the final word. We should be pleased to print your group's views on Gorky if they can be used without attacking Miss Genauer personally. We hope very much that we shall hear from you again.

Sincerely yours

George A. Cornish
Managing Editor