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Mr. Speaker:

Twice during the month of March my distinguished colleague, Representative Dondero of Michigan, spoke at length on the subject of contemporary American art. On March 11 he charged that an art exhibition held at St. Albans Naval Hospital in Queens, New York, was used for spreading left wing propaganda among the disabled veterans. On March 25 Mr. Dondero accused Artists Equity Association, an organization of professional painters, sculptors, and graphic artists, of being a radical organization.

My interest has been aroused in this situation, because upon investigation I have found that not all of what my distinguished colleague reported to you is in accord with the facts. I wish to take this opportunity of bringing to your attention some of these findings, because I believe that such attacks are dangerous to cultural development in this country. In these times of stress we should nurture and protect, rather than attack and disrupt, creative workers in cultural fields.

Artists Equity Association is a national, non-political, esthetically non-partisan organization representing the professional artists of America. It was formed in March, 1947, to further the economic interests of American artists and to give strength and effectiveness to their united voice. Any resident of the United States of America who is a painter, sculptor, or graphic artist whose work has been accepted in a major exhibition, or who has a recognized dealer in the fine arts field, or who has