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Free legal advice has been given members by Artists Equity's exceedingly competent attorney. One artist, for instance, had a dispute with a large Canadian shipping magnate over a commissioned work. He refused any payment, but Equity's lawyer was able to make a settlement at no cost to the member. In the case of Alfred Crimi, in which a church covered up his murals with whitewash, Equity's lawyer acted as amicus curiae in the case to help establish a precedent for the rights of artists under such circumstances. Equity now is active in a move to have certain murals installed in the Salina, Kansas, post office. These murals were painted on the government program, and installation was delayed due to the war. It has been further delayed by antagonistic elements who have kept them from being put up, although the artist's contract called for their placement.

Equity is concerned with relationships with art galleries and has drawn up a list of terms and conditions to be embodied in any agreement with a gallery. It is also committed to help artists without galleries to get a hearing.

Equity has cooperated with the museums of the country in working out mutual problems. This was emphasized on May 19, 1949, when Hudson Walker, Executive director of Artists Equity Association, Robert Beverly Hale of the Metropolitan Museum, and William M. Milliken, Director of the Cleveland Museum, spoke on the joint problems of artists and museums at the annual