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meeting of the American Association of Museums at the Art Institute of Chicago. A panel discussion followed, and it was the consensus that artists and museums can work together to their mutual advantage.

I do not wish to burden the record with additional details, but I feel that these few examples will serve to indicate the nature of Artists Equity Association's activities.

[[strikethrough]] I should like now to [[/strikethrough]] Returning to the subject of Mr. Dondero's March 11 attack on modern art. He intimated that the showing of contemporary art in the Naval Hospital at St. Albans, Queens, New York, was in some way identified with left wing activity. Interesting enough, the great national magazine, Look, sent their reporter and photographer to the exhibition and published on march 29 a very favorable article, based on this exhibition, on the good that could come to our injured veterans through the showing of contemporary art. I suggest that anyone who is interested look at this article, which shows the condition of the patients and the type of work shown. Look Magazine can be taken as a very impartial witness to the good such exhibitions might do for disabled veterans throughout the country.

May I reiterate my initial premise that only in a democracy can art remain free and creative, and in preserving our democracy we must preserve freedom of expression for our artists. Any other course leads us to the brink of totalitarianism.