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As your departing president, I have a few words to say in review and many words and best wishes for future Equity.

I have served for four years. My association with you has been an exciting and stimulating experience. Altho the hurdles were many during these formative years, we overcame them with dignity because of your conviction and loyalty. I strongly believe in Equity from the very beginning, while artist were saying (lets see what it can do) and then I will join.

I am now firmly convinced as I was then, that Equity is needed and that it is already the most important artist organization today. We have prestige and respect from the museums and the people who have been involved in art circles as well as some of the mass public.

I know not only that it will expand but that the name of Equity will be a by-word eventually and every artist will want to be a part of it and active too so that we can be proud of this institution.

Everything we have touched from the beginning was unexplored ground and naturally it needed time and negotiations with patience and we also want your cooperation and be patient with us. Altho within the short span of our existance, we have accomplished a great deal, Equity Fund, Conference, individual legal aid, and museum relationships, code of ethics, establishment of chapters, (special thanks is due to Chicago artists, whose invaluable assistance and hard work was guidance for the chapters to follow) and Equity Bureau, etc. 

There are lots and lots of long range objectives. Most important of all is governmental art program, city state and federal. We are doing everything possible, even under this difficult time and we will continue to persue with vigor to accomplish that which would be to the benefit of all artists.

As time goes on, I believe the delegates meeting will eventually take the place of the general membership meeting in deciding Equity directions and policies. Altho I believe there should be a general membership meeting at least once a year to thrash out the many problems and issues by all members so that we can recommend proposals to be made to the national body.