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I must say after all, we have no quarrel about economic problems, we know they exist, no matter what your beliefs are what school you represent. The Artists Equity Association is national, non-political, esthically a non-partisan organization, representing the professional artists of America. It was formed in March, 1947 to further the economic interest of artists. Let us keep it that way.
I faithfully served these principles and hope that the future of Equity will also observe the same rule. Whether my own feelings are contrary to the issue, or when I had to act as a go-between and undertake sometimes unpleasant tasks. I have always carried them thru for the welfare of the organization and it's members. During my administration, all those who worked with me did so unselfishly. I know that the newly elected officers will receive the same full cooperation. Again at this time, I sincerely want to thank both the active artists and the office staff for their patient and helpful service, and especially Hudson Walker, Josh Cahn for their untiring interest and service.
I'm happy to be here in Chicago and this is the first time that the general meeting is being held outside of New York City. To really fulfill our national obligations we should be holding meetings all over the country so that many more outside New York members can attend. Chicago has the largest membership next to the New York Chapter, and somehow I feel geographically is the center [[??]] and is logical place for this meeting. I am particularly happy that during my term of office this happned to point out the fact that Equity is not confined to New York City.
A short time ago, Equity was the dream of a small group of artists but now it is an actuality and it is here to stay. We did not think it was possible to get so many artists together and I am happy to report that we now have over eighteen hundred members. Our hope for its future is to reach a membership of ten thousand at least. Even today, we are highly regarded as representative of American artists by museums and critics, more than you realize. Let us not