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1. Stress that Artists Equity Ass. is non-political.

esthetically non-partisan

Page 2: "Non-Gallery Artists"- Negotiations under way with Museums for a national exhibition in painting and sculpture of non-gallery artists.

" " "Dealer Relations"- A questionnaire is being prepared to send to all members connected or formerly associated with a dealer or gallery so as to obtain all pertinent facts in the relationship between artist and agent. When the survey is complete, this information will be available to members. In looking for a dealer, the artist will know beforehand what the terms are - does he pay for the catalog, or lights, what percentage the dealer takes for a sale, etc.

Page 4: "Museum Relationships" - Through A.E.'s efforts the Metropolitan Museum plans to hold annual or biennal exhibition and will use Hearn Fund for acquisitions from these shows. Our suggestion was a jury exhibition, no one to be invited.
Several Museums have started to pay jury fees. Daniel C. Rich of the Chicago Art Inst. presented this plan at A.E.'s suggestion to Museum Directors meeting last spring in Cleveland.
At Federation of Art meeting Equity proposed that Museums announce in advance number of works that will be accepted through the jury. For example this year at the Corcoran exhibition 14 pictures were accepted out of 2000 entries. Artists spent $30,000 in submitting work to jury.

Page 5: "Industry Relationships" - Discontinuance of Pepsi-Cola and La Tausca exhibitions not because A.E. asked honarium of $100. Letters from both these firms attest to that fact. Reasons given: (quote) 
Pepsi - "resulting show not as good as we hoped... best artists not submitting their best and most typical paintings....."
La Tausca - "in order to squelch any rumor that cancellation of our Annual was caused by specific expense of rental fees - I hasten to write that this is definitely not true..."

Page 6: "Individual Legal Aid" - There are numerous instances where Equity's counsellor has advised and brought satisfactory settlement between artist and client, gallery and artist, etc.

Page 7: "Artists Equity Fund," - We have now over $3000. Money raised from individual donations as well as local affairs and Equity masquerade ball held for this purpose annually.

Page 8: "Equity Bureau"- This is now being legally established. The forms and questionnaires will reach you very shortly. At the same time letters to universities, art schools, clubs, etc. are being sent to inform them of the Bureau.