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(new paper [[?]])


Refer to Plumley's reply - Congressional Record of June 16th.

Recent information - Congressman Javits of N.Y. will try to engage Dondero in debate on house floor in about 2 weeks.

Stress how few resignations because of attack. Artists of every school that I have spoken to on my trip across continent were in sympathy with Equity on this matter.

Favorable and understanding press.

First time critics, dealers, museum people and artists more solidly consolidated on these issues.

There is a temporary committee headed by Lloyd Goodrich [[?]] Curator of the Whitney Museum which has been set up to combat intimidation and throttling of artists freedom of expression. The committee includes critics, dealers, other museum personnel and artists.

Mention June 1st editorial in Art Digest by Peyton Boswell and summer issue of Art News, editorial by Dr. Frankfurter and other recent statements.

The "Chicago Plan"

I left this with you - can be used to build up your local chapter. Submit your proposals to the national office.

Local membership committee makes decision and recommends local members to national membership committee. (In reference to electing new members)

Blue Cross Health Insurance Plan has been encouraged because group application is less expensive. Your local chapter can work this out. I left this too with you.

State Art Bill - Minnesota now has a State Art Bill which helps the artists of that state. New York has been working on one for some time. Louisiana also has a certain kind that we are now looking into. Kansas artists are working towards one as is Indiana.

This is not a New York organization - Please stress - or name artist organization. You and I and many others that are members don't need Equity but we are thinking beyond ourselves and for all artists economic betterment and benefit.