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Make clear that Artist Equity has no Chapters. 
Regions have been designated fro convenience and points of contact; New York is the only one of the regions but since there are more artists in New York the main office is in New York; it could be any where. 

The complaint has come that a certain percentage of the dues paid by member should be allocated to regions for running expenses. Explain that the local New York artists do not draw funds from Equity´s treasury for any of their functions or meetings . All income is used for just running the whole organization. As a matter of fact funds have been raised for Equity, for example by Equity members of Woodstock, who the last two seasons have given a considerable amount of money by holding costume parties, raffles, etc.

Emphasize that this is not a New York organization or just a name-artist organization. We are all equal members, all have a voice, we pay the same amount of dies and every artist in the organization is just as important as any of the officers or the next member. We need unity without prejudice as well as numbers to accomplish out aims. 

This is not a political group and not only was it organized at the very beginning on democratic principles but it continues to function with that firmly in mind.

Equity doesn´t sell itself. You have to point out the accomplish-ments, the long range program and why all artists have to join in order to make these things possible. 
