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a number of artists talked and met often to explore the possibilities of arriving at a basis for equality and fair practices in art. After many discussions, in March 1947, Artists Equity Association was born, as a result of an amalgamation of two groups of artists, who had separately and independently been thinking along the same lines. This was the first time in the history of American art that every type of school was represented in one organization where there was the will to take up the problem common to us all - economics. Our aim was a national organization, non-political and aesthetically non-partisan representing the professional artists of America. A provisional governing body was set up until an election could be held in April and the constitution adopted. Also, qualifications for membership were established.

The original group had only fifty members. But our enthusiasm and belief in Equity was so great that we lent the organization funds to launch this new star.
We now have over 1500 members and representation from almost every state in the union. We have held to our original principles in spite of attacks. We can point with pride to a great number of real accomplishments. In the three short years of our existence. Keeping in mind the economic interests of artists and to give strength and effectiveness to their united professional aims we have worked on the following projects:

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Transcription Notes:
The way that the page is written is transcribed above, however, the writer(s) intended to place the line "in the three short years of our existence" prior to the previous line in the sentence of "we can point with pride to a great number of real accomplishments"