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Remuneration in the form of a Special Award of $100 for all exhibiting artists was arranged in the Pepsi-Cola Exhibition and Hallmark Competition.

We negotiated and submitted a memo of recommendations, which was largely responsible for the forthcoming American national exhibition in December 1950 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Our Committee on Museums which has been cooperating with various institutions helped formulate the plan for the American Print Show at the 42nd Street Library to be held in the spring of 1951.

For about a year we have had a placement service Bureau for teachers, lecturers and artists' work.

We have encouraged art forums as part of our educational program and as such co-sponsored the Woodstock Art Forums. The Cultural Committee of the New York Chapter has carried this idea forward by presenting a series of lectures locally.

A survey in relation to artists and dealers is now being tabulated and accordingly we hope to establish a reasonable standard and code of ethics for agents and dealers.

We are working on the possibilities of fees for reproduction and the safe guarding of copyright, with a good deal of progress to date.

Museum directors and representatives from Equity net recently to discuss compensation for artists who serve on art juries. This proposal was favorably received and we hope it will go into effect shortly.