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We have a Welfare Fund for the benefit of all members. Also efforts have been made to obtain group hospitalization.

Recently we have established Chapters throughout the country so that artists in various sections have a local branch to take up their immediate problems and work out a program of activities important to their region. In this connection, there has been a strong appeal for an Associate Membership, particularly in vicinities where there is a small professional artist population. This is optional and left entirely to the discretion of the individual Chapters where they find that the support of Associate Members and patrons are helpful in carrying out their program. We have also encouraged all Chapters to initiate legislation for a State Art Bill.

[[strikethrough]] In New York [[/strikethrough]] For some time we have been at form on a government in art program. There have been some signs of interest from the government from time to time and we are alert to all signals of encouragement. We want our government's interest in our art; we want their approval and backing to reaffirm the importance of art in the cultural scheme of life in America. We are not working along in our efforts to accomplish this but have been meeting with museum directors and other art organizations to formulate a plan whereby government sponsorship would work most democratically.

Since we and numerous others, individuals as well as art institutions, who has spend many years in winning recognition for American art were criticized in Congress with no basis for the