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It is no secret that only a handful of artists are able to make a living through their work. The lucky ones teach, or find some other means to keep themselves going. But what about the remaining thousands and thousands? In facing a crucial economic crisis how will they manage to live and still continue to work? Therefore it is increasingly important to have an Equity strong enough to help the artist now as well as in critical times. This can be accomplished through a large membership and considering the number of practicing artists in this country there is a potential [[strikethrough]] membership [[/strikethrough]] enrollment of [[strikethrough]] $ [[/strikethrough]] 10,000.
Eligibility for membership includes one or more of the following qualifications in the fine arts: Exhibited in a major exhibition; having a recognized dealer in the fine arts field; [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] had a one-man show at a recognized gallery.

Equity is long over due. Although a few felt the need for it years ago. We have made progress because we have collectively presented our ideas and won them for the individual artist.
All the foregoing is only a small part of the work done and yet to be done. If it is not complete it is because our work is just beginning. I appeal to those especially who are qualified as Equity members to come and talk with us if you are interested in our aims and we shall be glad to give you further details. For in order to function fully we must have [[strikethrough]] representation from [[/strikethrough]] every artist's cooperation. We need your help and I know you need Equity. Here is a monumental task worthy of all of us.

Yasuo Kuniyoshi 
Pres. Artists Equity Association