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 General membership meeting  1.  Yasuo Kuniyoshi  7[?] 25/48
 It is almost a year ago that we met here. There was a lot of speech making then, but we also outlined and discussed our general program, which was well received by members as well as the press. The purpose of our meeting tonight is to report to you our accomplishments and the work in progress, also to have you express your views and suggestions regarding our work and future program. 

 In reviewing the activities of the various committees and the Executive Committee, it is important that you keep in mind the tasks the confronted us. Equity has set itself an ambitious and long range program. Like all pioneering organizations it has to accomplish its aims in a field without precedents. Unfortunately this takes time, patience and hard work on the part of the committees and the office staff to whom we have assigned the responsibility of surveying and putting our plans into action. 

 The basic job was finding a common program which would serve all artists regardless of their economic or esthetic position. We had to reconcile the many inconsistencies in the status of the gallery artists against the non-gallery artist, those who show their work regularly as opposed to those who get few hearings. We had to find a program which would meet the needs of young artists in small communities. Our first plank therefore was to concentrate upon the