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"Mr. Taylor pointed out that the Metropolitan Museum has had consultations with many of the distinguished leaders of American art in regard to its future activities, particularly in the field of exhibitions of contemporary art. An informal committee of artists has been invited to prepare a memorandum for consideration by the Board of Trustees. The findings of this Committee, together with those other advisory groups, will be the basis for study and con-sideration of an overall policy during the next few months."


Our Committee is drafting a report that Mr. Taylor can distribute to his trustees, and this will be approved by the augmented Equity committee before it is de-livered to Mr. Taylor. 

I also have a report from Hudson Walker about the Convention of the American Federation of Arts held in Baltimore. One of the sessions was devoted to a preliminary Equity-Museum Direcor meeting. The questions of independent exhibitions, jury fees, and sales of works of art, were discussed. The problem of art criticism was broached, and it was suggested that petitions to newspapers in smaller cities might encourage