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and shall determine the authority, duties [[covered]] any, of all of the foregoing.

Section 4. The officers of the Association, who shall be Active Members thereof, shall consist of an Honorary President, President, Secretary, Treasurer and one or more Vice Presidents, whose number and seniority shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The officers, except the Honory President, shall hold office for a period of one year or until their successors are elected and qualify. In case of any vacancy occurring in the office of President, the office shall be assumed by the Vice Presidents in order of their seniority. The Honorary President, President, First Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be, ex officio, members of the Board of Directors. No person shall be elected to the same office for more than three consecutive years.

Section 5. Officers and directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Association and each member entitled to vote shall be entitled to cast one vote for each officer and each member of the Board of Directors voted on, and a majority of the votes so cast shall be necessary to elect. Provision shall be made in the by-Laws so that absent members eligible to vote may vote for officers and members of the Board of Directors, and to amend the Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 6. In any year when there are five or more Active Members in any State, there shall be elected by the said members pursuant to such method of election as may be from time to time and in each case determined by the Board of Directors, a State Chairman who shall [[illegible]] right and duty to consult with the Active Members residing in [[illegible]] State upon local and national problems.

He shall transmit to the Board of Directors notice of all matters upon which the members in the State desire action to be taken.

The Board of Directors shall have the duty to act upon all matters so brought to their attention and to notify the State Chairman of any action taken.

For the purpose of this Section, any territory or district of the United States shall be considered a State.


Meetings of Members

Section 1. The Annual Meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by the preceding Annual Meeting. The first Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Board of Directors. Notice of the time and place of meeting shall be mailed to each active Member of the Association at least thirty days prior to said Annual Meeting.

Section 2. Special [[illegible]] at the written request of a majo [[illegible]] ectors or of one hundred Active [[illegible]]


the time and place of any such meeting shall be mailed to each Active Member at least thirty days prior to such meeting. Action at such meeting shall be limited to the purposes set forth in the aforesaid written request, which purposes shall be stated in the notice of the meeting. 

Section 3. All action at the Annual Meeting or any other meeting of the members shall be taken by the majority vote of the Active Members present in person, except as hereinelsewhere provided with respect to amendment of this Constitution, or the By-Laws.

Section 4. At all meetings of the Association at least one hundred Active Members in good standing must be present to constitute a quorum. If no quorum is present, the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting to a time find by him not late than thirty days distant, and the Secretary shall notify the Active Members of such adjourned time.

Section 5. the action of a majority of this present at a duly constituted meeting shall be the act of the Association, except as otherwise provided by this Constitution.

Article VI.

By - Laws

Section 1. Matters not covered by this Constitution or which are or may be supplementary thereto and which shall be contained in the By - Laws shall have equal force and effect with this Constitution. The Board of Directors shall repeal or amend the By - Laws, or create new By - Laws, their action shall be valid until the next meeting of the members. Each provision of this Constitution and the By - Laws of this Association, of any and all amendments to either of them, and any and all lawful rules and orders made by the Board of Directors or any person or persons duly authorized by the Board of Directors, shall be binding upon each member from the time when lawfully made or given, regardless of any rights which any member may have acquired by reason of the constitution, By- Laws, rules or orders in force thereto.

Section 2. The By - Laws may be permanently amended at any Annual or Special Meeting of the Association by the vote of a majority of the persons entitled to vote and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given by the Secretary to the Active Members of the Association by mail at least thirty days before the said meeting. Said notice must be given by the Secretary upon the written request of not less than one hundred Active Members of the Association who shall have subscribed their approval thereof. The By - Laws may also be amended by the unanimous vote of those present at any Annual Meeting without notice.