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Kenneth Bates        Frank Kleinholz
Thomas H. Benton     Doris Lee
Arnold Blanch        Julian Levi
Aaron Bohrod         Jack Levine
Peter Blume          Oronzio Maldarelli
Louis Bouché         Herman Maril
Alexander Brook      Reginald Marsh
Paul Burlin          Henry McFee
Nicolai Cikovsky     Edward Millman
Francis Colburn      Waldo Peirce
Russel Cowles        Robert Philipp
José de Creeft       George Picken
Jo Davidson          Hugo Robus
Adolf Dehn           Ben Shahn
Julio de Diego       Charles Sheeler
Guy Pène du Bois     John Sloan
John Frazier         Charles Smith
William Gropper      David Smith
Chaim Gross          Mitzi Solomon
Louis Guglielmi      Raphael Soyer
Philip Guston        Francis Speight
Lily Harmon          Maurice Sterne
Joseph Hirsch        Heinz Warneke
Milton Horn          Franklin Watkins
Lewis Iselin         Max Weber
Marion Junkin        Ester Williams 
Morris Kantor        Sol Wilson
Bernard Karfol