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Constitution and By-Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

[[Underlined]]Section 9.[[/Underlined]] The Chairmen of the Standing Committees shall each appoint members to their respective committees. Every Active Member of the Arts Council shall serve on at least one committee. Associate Members are encouraged to serve on a committee.

[[Underlined]]Section 10.[[/Underlined]] Duties of the Officers:

The Chairman shall
(a) Preside at all membership and Executive Board meetings.
(b) Appoint special committees, and make other appointments necessary for the conduct of the Arts Council affairs.
(c) Call general or special meetings of the Arts Council.
(d) Be executive head of the Arts Council and the Executive Board, and have charge of the general conduct of Arts Council affairs subject to the supervision of the Executive Board.
(e) Countersign checks.
(f) Sign Arts Council legal documents.

Vice Chairmen shall
(a) Preside at meetings in the absence of the Chairman.
(b) Carry out whatever duties may be delegated to them by the Chairman.
(c) Be empowered, by vote of the Executive Board, to act for the Chairman in case of emergency, such as illness of the Chairman.
(d) Countersign checks in the absence of the Chairman.
(e) Be responsible for the functioning of the Standing Committees.

The Executive Secretary shall
(a) Send out all notices.
(b) Attend to correspondence of the Arts Council.
(c) Keep a record of names and addresses of members.
(d) Preside at meetings in case of absence of both Chairman and Vice Chairmen.

The Recording Secretary shall
(a) Take minutes of all meetings and keep them in order.
(b) Be custodian of the Arts Council's seal and books.
(c) Be responsible to the Executive Secretary for further secretarial duties.

The Treasurer shall
(a) Collect, receive and disburse all moneys of the Arts Council.
(b) Keep the usual books of accounts and such other books as the Executive Board may direct.
(c) Deposit, in the name of the Arts Council, moneys collected by him, in such bank as may be approved by the Executive Board.
(d) Sign all checks.
(e) Conduct all correspondence pertaining to the duties of the Treasurer's office.


[[Underlined]]Section 1.[[/Underlined]] Four regular meetings of the Arts Council, namely: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, shall be held each calendar year. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman at any time. The Chairman shall call special meetings at the request of four officers and/or Executive Board members, or one-third of the membership. Written notice of special meetings and of the business to be transacted thereat, and of the four regular meetings, shall be sent out by the Executive Secretary to every member 10 days prior to the date for which said special meeting or regular meeting is called.

[[Underlined]]Section 2.[[/Underlined]]One-third of the number of Active Members of the Arts Council residing in New York City shall constitute a quorum.

[[underlined]]Section 3.[[Underlined]] Active Members unable to attend the meeting may appoint a proxy in writing. No member may hold more than one proxy at a meeting and members may not appoint proxies for more than two consecutive meetings.

[[Underlined]]Section 4.[[/Underlined]] All questions, whether at general meetings of the Arts Council or at meetings of the various committees, shall be decided by a majority vote, except in the case of an amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws, which shall be by a two-thirds vote of the total membership.

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