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Constitution and By-Laws       4

[[underlined]Section 5.[[/Underlined]] The presiding officer at any meeting shall have the power to vote in case of a tie vote on any question.

[[underlined]]Section 6.[[/Underlined]] The following order of business shall be observed at regular Arts Council meetings:
(a) Reading of agenda.
(b) Reading of minutes of previous meeting.
(c) Unfinished business
(d) Reports of Executive Board and Committees.
(e) New Business,
(f) Good and Welfare.

[[underlined]]Section 1.[[/Underlined]] The funds of the art council shall be disbursed pursuant to approval by the Executive Board. Reports of all expenditures of funds shall be made to the membership at each Spring membership meeting. No indebtedness shall be in-curred by and committee or by the chairman thereof or by any office without first receiving authority from the executive board.
[[underlined]]section 2.[[/Underlined]] The checks of the Arts Council shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chairman or Vice Chairmen. 
[[Underlined]]section 3.[[/Underlined]] The Executive Board may appoint 

[[Underlined]]Section 1.[[/Underlined]]
(a) Membership Committee
(b) Finance Committee
(c) Activities Committee
(d) Publicity Committee
(e) Coordinating Committee

[[Underlined]]Section 2.[[/underlined]] Special committee may be appointed by the chairman at any time.


[[Underlined]]Section 1.[[/Underlined]] A member placed on the Inactive List shall lose all privileges of membership whole remaining in that status, including the privilege of voting, of holding all offices, and of participating in Arts Council activities. The length of the time for which this penalty may be imposed shall be determined by the Executive Board and Officers according to the nature of the case in question.

[[underlined]]Section 2.[[/Underlined]] Members may become liable to be placed on the Inactive List for the following reasons:

(a) Failure to attend three consecutive general meetings (if a resident of New York City).
(b) Failure to Abide by decisions of the membership at large 
(c) Continued failure to carry out duties of membership 
(d) Failure to pay dies for a period of two years.


[[Underlined]]Section 1.[[/Underlined]] the following are the grounds for expulsion from membership: