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Statement of 
on Japanese Army atrocities and negotiated peace.

The ARTS COUNCIL of JAPANESE AMERICANS FOR DEMOCRACY, composed of anti-fascist Japanese American artists active in all fields of creative endeavor, publicly denounce the brutal and depraved act, of the Japanese fascists against every human decency. We are keenly aware that the atrocities committed against our soldiers by the Japanese imperialists, like every other fascist crime, must be avenged. Every leader of the fascist- imperialist clique must be held accountable, for it is they who have perpetrated these crimes, not only against Americans but also against the people of Japan.

The United States and the United Nations must avenge the bestial murder, recently made public, of thousands of American soldiers who were prisoners of the Philippine campaign. The crime of the fascists against the people of Japan must be punished by the victimized people themselves. It is our hope that the tragic mistake of Italy not be repeated in Japan.

The United States and the United Nations, with complete unity of purpose, must continue this war of democracy against fascism to its ultimate conclusion -- the complete smashing of fascism so that its roots may be utterly torn out wherever it exists in this world. To this we give our full support.

Therefore, we are irrevocably opposed to any individual or group -- in America, the "Peace Now" movement -- who would sabotage to save fascism by working for a negotiated peace. Any step short of unconditional surrender of all fascists is contrary to our principle as anti-fascists.

We issue this statement with full cognizance of the fact that we, as anti-fascist Japanese Americans bear a double responsibility -- to the democratic welfare of the United States and to the loyal Japanese Americans who are one with the people of America.

/signed/ Yasuo Kuniyoshi,Chairman

Feburary 11, 1944