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Thank you for you check- it was so unexpected 
Realy you were doing me a favor reproducing my work

Thank you for your check -
a few days ago I went in see Mrs Forbes of Coordinator [[?]] - It was [[strikethrough]] ? Dept [[/strikethrough]] 
Cal Wonavans N.Y. Dept.

They are going to assign me something suitable for me to do as soon as they [[strikethrough]] find [[/strikethrough]] 
perhaps poster or illustration
[[strikethrough]] Lan??? [[/strikethrough]] I am very happy there they [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] contacted [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] me and that I am t do something for the [[strikethrough]] U.S. [[/strikethrough]] goverment
In the meantime I am going to write a script or short wave radio broadcast in Japan. I am very excited. Thanks very much - [[strikethrough]] These [[/strikethrough]] This must come from your effort & that of Mr. Bruce of the section of Fine Arts.