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New York
Sept. 14, 1946

Dear Mr. Aoki:

Perhaps by this time you have heard of our party from the boys who were here at the Harvest dance. It has taken us this long to straighten things out, but the results are beyond our expectations and we are all very happy about it.

It was really a huge success in every way, not only was the party good with everyone having a gay time, but we made money. It turned out well I believe, because it was an artists' gathering; we knew each other and there were also our friends, and their sympathetic and progressive attitude made it click. Issues were clearly understood by all, which made our task easy, but most of all the success of the affair was due to the hard working committee.

We had a wheel of chance, raffle for pictures (by 21 artists), prizes of nylon stockings, a slot machine, an auction of 8 very large wall decorations made by the artists and photostats of Picasso's Guernica, and last but not least a bar. There were also some outright cash contributions, the highest $213. Well the result is $1400 and at least 300 new friends.

It was very nice of the ex GI boys to come. They were a hit and they made the thing real by being there. I hope they had a good time too.

I should like to ask you to write a letter of thanks to the following who were so kind as to make cash contributions. I believe it would be a good idea to have an official acknowledgement.
William Chesman, Art Editor, Colliers Magazine, 250 Park Ave., NY
Mr. S. T. Nierenberg, Woodstock, N.Y.
Mr. John Striebel, Jr., Woodstock, N.Y.
Mr. Ernest Rosenfeld, 141 East 56th St., N.Y.
Mrs. Josephine A. Cantine, Woodstock, N.Y.
Mr. William Eisner, Woodstock, N.Y.

Also I think that a note of thanks to each artist who worked and contributed to this dance would be a gracious gesture. You can address all of them to Woodstock, New York. I am listing separately the names for you again.

And this is my last suggestion, if the two boys haven't already done it by themselves, it would be nice if they would drop a note to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Penning where they spent the night. I am sure this courtesy will be received with much pleasure.

I hope that the Committee is going well and that you are in good health. Mrs. Kuniyoshi and I will be back in the city on the 15th and hope we will have a chance to see you.
