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December 6, 1944         Yasuo Kuniyoshi

There are a few grave and solemn moments in one's life/that one never forgets. That day/ three years ago, when Japan overtly linked arms with the Axis/and bombed this country into war, is one of those not to be forgotten moments.

The swift/and treacherous assault delivered then, gave our enemies hope of a quick victory. But as I stated in my broadcast on March 12th, 1942, which was short waved to Japan, through the O.W.I.:// "The set-backs suffered so far by America/and the United Nations/are only temporary. Our industrial and military machinery will shortly reach the peak of operation, and then/the systematic and inevitable destruction of totalitarianism throughout the world will begin. In spite of the loss of Hong Kong and Malay, in spite of advances in the Philippines/and the East Indies, no defeat is big enough/to make us or any of our allies/contemplate for a single moment/the prospect of a single moment/the prospect of a compromise peace with the Axis.