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Whether they fully understood its significance, at least/ they were aware of something extraordinary/ happening to one of their own people. 

In the exigencies of war/justice often goes astray. Therefore/ it is an assuring sign/ to find that merit/ was not based on color or creed, but was given priority/ even during a period/ when racial issues are rife. 

The men at the news stand and the lunch counter/ commented on the prize. They had read about it in the newspaper/ and were full of wonder that this had happened to me. They too realized/ that this had not been a case of race discrimination. Underneath, I knew they felt good will towards a fellow man/ and accepted it as an American fact.

That which I have just related/ is only one among many incidents/ that are possible/ in the fabric of a freedom-loving nation. It does not mean however/ that I am not aware of other problems and injustices/ that have become so paramount these last few years, and that have bred/ and received encouragement/ side by side with liberal values. The racial hatreds/ that have stimied the growth of nations/ can no longer be considered local issues. They are a matter of international decency.