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There must be a drastic change, from totalitarianism to a democracy, in order to accomplish the sins of this war.

We look to the Japanese people/to rise in their own defense, crush the falsehoods/they have been fed these many years; from them/must come the recognition/that they have been duped into a life of subjugation and penury.

If the people/cannot do this by themselves, then it is up to the United Nations/to help them to rebuild and establish/a new Japan. While any of the Axis concepts/reside on any shore, Europe, Asia, America, they are a menace/to all freedom/and peace-loving nations, and must be destroyed/from the face of the earth.

The war/shall have been in vain/if we cannot achieve unity of spirit and of mind, not only amongst the people of the United Nations/but in the liberated countries as well.

The myth of the sacred land, the land/that has never been invaded, has already been exploded/by our super-fortresses on their bombing missions over the main island of Japan. Soon/the final blow will strike upon the land of God/and its people/will look to us for vital support.

You and I/have an important job ahead of us. We have breathed the freer air; we know/the real essence of liberty/and a life worth living.