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January 18, 1951

Mr. Yasuo Kuniyoshi,
30 East 14th St.,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Kuniyoshi:

Recently, the enclosed letter was read at a meeting of the Executive Committee of Equity and made a profound impression upon those of us who were present.

The conditions under which the Japanese artists work are extremely difficult. The lack of books and other artists materials is most severe.

Because we are moved by the desire for closer cooperation between the artists of our country and those of Japan; - because we feel the need to express this in a concrete manner - and also in addition, as a tribute to Yasuo Kuniyoshi, who himself has rendered such distinguished service to his fellow artists - we, whose names are listed below have decided, as an informal committee to carry out this project - namely, to raise the necessary money to send the Japanese artists what we can of the books and other materials that they urgently need.

Won't you join us in this project by contributing as much as you can toward its realization.

Gladys Rockmore Davis
Julio De Diego
Harry Gottlieb
Joseph Hirsch
Sidney Laufman
Jacob Lawrence
Reginald Marsh
Abraham Rattner
Katherine Schmidt
Hudson Walker

*Please send check or money orders, etc. to Harry Gottlieb, Treasurer, 323 East 13th St., N.Y. 3.