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Usaburo Ihara
Japanese Artists Association 
Oct. 25, 1951

118 Waverly Pl.
New York 11, N.Y.

Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Esq.
President, A.E.A.

Dear Mr. Kuniyoshi; 
I have to thank you profoundly for your recent letter which I read with extreme interest.

I have also heard through Mr. Ishigaki about the donation collected by A.E.A. for the benefit of the Japanese Artists Association, and in behalf of the Association I wish to express my deep gratitude. The methods of utilizing this money to the best of our advantage and in the most significant manner was the subject discussed at our latest committee meeting. And our unanimous agreement was that, if it should meet with your approval, we would like to use about half the money for purchasing various books on art.

It is comparatively easy from the point of view of foreign exchange for us to import books from France, but it is extremely difficult for us to get books from America. Particularly, we have heard about how fine the books published by the Museum of Modern Art in New York are. Of course, we will do our best to find out the titles of the books which will be most appreciated by the members of our association, but we would greatly appreciate it if you would send us catalogues of books on art. If this would be possible and if you would send us half of the donation in the form of books, we would be able to establish a foundation for an art library which has been a long cherished idea of our group. Will you please consider this idea and consult with you committee members. 

I must also mention that the news in your letter about the Carnegie International Exhibition has created quite a sensation here, and needless to say it is a source of great elation among our members. Your letter was read and discussed at our recent meeting.

A detailed report will follow this letter, but we wanted first to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you have done for us. 

With profound gratitude, I am
Yours most sincerely
U. Ihara
Usaburo Ihara
Japanese Artists Association

P.S. We must apologize for the delay of this letter which was due to mistakes and delay in translation.