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(The Japanese Artists Association)
Naruse Bldg., 1 Gofukubashi [[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] 3-chome
Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

January 14, 1952

Mr. Yasuo Kuniyoshi
118 Waverly Place
New York 11, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Kuniyoshi;

First, let me send you my most sincere New Year's greetings. I hope it will be a happy and prosperous one.

I am in receipt of your letter of December 17 and have no words to express my gratitude and appreciation for what you and Mr. Washburn and the Trustees have done toward making it possible for the paintings of Japanese artists to be exhibited in the United States. Your letter came as an unexpected surprise, followed by the deepest of gratitude, to the members of our Association.

We have not as yet received Mr. Washburn's letter, but we are looking forward to it with great expectations.

In the meantime, I deeply regret that the date of production was missing in some of the photographs due to an oversight on the part of the artists who forgot to report the date. We are checking and will let you know as soon as possible.

[ In regard to the eligibility of the paintings, we are completely unaware of the fact that the execution must have been done within the last five years. You did not mention this in your letter, and we felt that the photographs might be used to see the quality and standard of our artists. Therefore, we assumed that photographs of older productions, if they best represented the artist, would be acceptable, and we must admit that quite a number of pre-five-year productions are included in the batch.

In view of this misconception on our part and the rulings of eligibility, if there is still time we would like to notify our members who sent photographs of their older paintings to make another set of their more recent productions. Will you please let us know if this is possible and if there is still time for the trustees of Carnegie Institute to make new choices from the new batch of photographs we will send.

I am very sorry to give you this extra trouble. ]