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Mr. Kuniyoshi  January 18, 1952

I am ever so grateful to you for having sent me such explicit instructions regarding the mechanics of the undertaking. It is wonderful of you to have gone to all this trouble, and I am looking forward with great eagerness to completing the arrangements. I am writing the letters which you have suggested. 

You ask about the length of time the pictures will be out. In order that more people may have an opportunity to see the International, we are hoping to send the pictures to the California Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco after their showing here. Considering the time we must allow for packing and transportation, the California Palace would have to have its part of the showing during February, 1953. Since the Japanese picture could be shipped to Japan from San Francisco, they would not be held up too much longer for this added showing. This, of course, will not be possible unless there is almost unanimous agreement about keeping the paintings for this extra time. I do not want to send the International to San Francisco in part; I feel that it would not be worthwhile unless almost all the pictures were included. I will explain this to all concerned, of course. 

You are right about our paying all charges in connection with transportation, including insurance from wall to wall. 

If you have any further ideas, or if any new developments turn up, let me know. I will be leaving for Europe on February 29, but my mail will be forwarded to me.

Gordon Washburn 
for AD